Armored Combat
One of the most well-known and widely enjoyed activities in the SCA is armored combat.
Rapier Combat
Rapier combat in the Society attempts to recreate styles of sword fighting from the later part of the Middle Ages, often based on manuals and theories of combat that have survived to this day. Rapier combat uses a foundation of style and finesse that has since evolved into the modern sport of fencing.
Equestrian Activities
Pomp, gallantry, and the perfect experience for a medieval atmosphere, War of the Wings continues to be a premier horse event!
Youth Combat
Come support the next generation of combatants as they take the field in a variety of scenarios!
Flight Weapons
If it takes to the skies, we have it! Come join us as we take flight on the far side of the lake to participate in archery, thrown weapons, atl atl and siege.
Minister of the List
Find information about MoLs and sign up at the virtual MoL table ahead of time!