The far side of the lake will be for all things flight – archery, thrown weapons, atl atl and siege. Access for all of these activities will be from the end of the grit road around the top of the farm house and through the field gate. Access from the South (near the chicken farm) and across the bottom of the lake are prohibited as these areas are designated as range or range overshoot. Targets for recreational shooting will be available while there are marshals on duty.
Range availability: 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday, 9am – 3pm Saturday
Thrown Weapons Royal Rounds will be recorded during the week.
This consists of 5 short and 5 long throws with axe, knife, spear or plumbata.
Participants can put in multiple attempts in each form.
War Point is best total score from the Royal Round target.
Archery/Thrown Weapon Marshal Volunteering